About Te Haeata
What does the name Te Haeata mean?
The name Te Haeata symbolises a beaming light, a dawn of a new day. This name encapsulates the Crown’s hope to build, improve and strengthen its relationship with settled groups based on respect for the Treaty of Waitangi and its principles.
What is Te Haeata?
Te Haeata is a record of Treaty settlement commitments as recorded in deeds of settlement and settlement legislation. Te Haeata allows you to search for commitments by keyword, agency name or commitment type.
Deeds and legislation remain the authoritative source of information about Treaty settlements. Te Haeata is a tool to help people find this information more easily.
What is recorded in Te Haeata?
Te Haeata records the ‘commitment’ statements from deeds and legislation – instances when a party will or must carry out a task. Some of these commitments will have been carried out on or by settlement date, while others are ongoing.
Deeds and legislation contain information beyond what is recorded in Te Haeata. For example, statements in a deed that note a party may do something are not recorded in Te Haeata.
For the purposes of Te Haeata, we have recorded commitments that appear in the settlement legislation, deed of settlement, the general matters schedule of the deed and property redress schedules of the deed.
Are all my agency’s Treaty settlement commitments recorded under my agency name?
Your agency may also have commitments stemming from relationship agreements or protocols which are not recorded in Te Haeata. We record the text of the deed stating a protocol will be established, but not the text of the protocol itself.
If your agency has recently been restructured, you may have to search for commitments under your predecessor agency’s name.
As noted below, there are instances where the entity responsible for carrying out a commitment is ambiguous. In addition to searching under your organisation’s name, you can also search by commitment type or keyword to help make sure you have found everything relevant to your agency.
Can I search for a specific property in Te Haeata and find out what commitments relate to that property?
Only properties that are specifically named in a commitment are able to be word searched (usually these are cultural redress properties). Often commercial properties are listed in the property redress schedule of the deed; however, we have not recorded these individual properties in Te Haeata.
How did you determine what entity is responsible for the commitments?
The responsibility for delivering commitments sits with the entity that holds the commitment, as recorded in the deed and legislation.
In some instances, the responsible entity is ambiguous (for example, the text of a commitment states the “the Crown” will carry out an action). In these instances, we have recorded the responsible agency based on our understanding of which agency would be tasked with carrying out that commitment. There may also be technical requirements for delivering commitments that would involve agencies which are not recorded as the responsible agency in Te Haeata. In some instances, we have included “the Crown” as a generic commitment holder.
Some commitments refer to “all persons exercising functions or powers” under an Act. In these instances, we have recorded the key organisations we understand would be affected, but this is not an exhaustive list.
In relation to area Rights of First Refusal (RFRs) we have recorded the commitment holder as being the Area RFR landholder, rather than specific agencies or entities.
In some instances, commitments refer to consent authorities. We have recorded these commitments as the responsibility of the “Relevant consent authority”.
In addition, while we record the responsible entity as being the organisation charged with carrying out a task, there may be other relevant parties. For example, if Te Arawhiti must provide a letter of introduction for an iwi to a museum, we record this as a Te Arawhiti responsibility, because the responsibility for providing the letter of introduction sits with Te Arawhiti rather than the museum.
If you think we have incorrectly recorded the responsible agency for a commitment, you can provide this feedback through the contact us page.
Is Te Haeata updated when legislation changes?
Amendments to enacted legislation can have consequential changes for Treaty settlement legislation (for example, changes to section numbering). We will not be updating these changes on a regular basis. The deed of settlement and settlement legislation remain the authoritative source of information about the settlement.
Deeds to amend have been accounted for in Te Haeata. The text of a commitment should reflect any update via a deed to amend.
What is a commitment type?
We have recorded commitments under different “commitment types” to enable users to easily search for different kinds of commitments.
The commitment types used in Te Haeata broadly reflect the types of redress contained in Treaty settlements, however these are not always reflective of the wording in the deed of settlement or settlement legislation. You can refer to the Glossary for a full definition of these terms.
If you find searching by commitment type does not work for you, try searching by key words instead.
What do the timeframes refer to?
We have recorded whether a commitment is specified to happen in a specific timeframe in the deed or legislation. However, the text of a commitment may not have a specific timeframe mentioned, but there may still be a relevant date you should consider.
We strongly recommend referring to the deed and legislation to confirm timeframes.
Apart from the commitments in Treaty settlements, does my agency have further obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi?
Yes — the Crown and local government have Treaty of Waitangi obligations aside from those recorded in Treaty settlements. For example, the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) requires all persons exercising functions and powers under the RMA to take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. These requirements remain and are not recorded in Te Haeata.
Te Haeata does not record commitments from the Treaty of Waitangi (Fisheries Claims) Settlement Act 1992 or Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.
Are there any agreements that are not Treaty settlements in Te Haeata?
Yes. Some agreements, such as some co-governance arrangements, have arisen out of Treaty settlements but do not settle Treaty claims. Arrangements over the Waikato river and the Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Redress Act 2014 are included in Te Haeata; however, these agreements do not settle historical Treaty claims.
Have you used macrons in Te Haeata?
The use of macrons reflects the practice in the deed of settlement and settlement legislation. Some iwi and hapū use macrons while others do not.
What is an area of interest map?
An area of interest is a map used for Treaty settlement purposes only. The Crown acknowledges that more than one group may have interests in an area of interest. Relative interests may vary within that area. Area of interest maps are not necessarily intended to be a definitive statement of a group’s interests.
Mō Te Haeata
Nō hea te ingoa o Te Haeata?
Ko Te Haeata nei, he aho ka mahuta mai i te atakura o te rangi. Ko ia te kapo ake i te manako o te Karauna kia raranga, kia whakawhena, kia whakapakari anō i tōna toipoto atu ki te rōpū kua oti kē āna whakataunga kerēme, i runga anō i te mana o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, me ōna mātāpono.
He aha a Te Haeata?
Ko Te Haeata he kohikohi i ngā whakaaetanga kua puta mai i ngā whakataunga kerēme, ko aua whakaaetanga kei ngā whakaaetanga whakataunga me ngā ture whakataunga e mau ana. Mā Te Haeata e taea ai te rapu whakaaetanga mā te rapu kupu matua, mā te rapu ingoa pokapū, mā te rapu rānei i tētahi tūmomo whakaaetanga.
Ka noho tonu ko ngā whakaaetanga whakataunga me ngā ture whakataunga hei mana nui, hei pupuri kōrero mō ngā whakataunga kerēme. Ko Te Haeata nei he ringa āwhina i te tangata, kia māmā ake ai te kimi i ēnei tū kōrero.
He aha ngā kōrero kei Te Haeata e mau ana?
Kei Te Haeata ngā tūmomo ‘whakaaetanga’ kua puta i ngā whakaaetanga whakataunga me ngā ture whakataunga – arā, ko ngā kī taurangi a tētahi, me mātua tutuki i a ia. Ko ētahi whakataunga me whakatutuki i te rangi whakatau tonu, i mua rānei i te rangi whakatau, ko ētahi atu ka kawea tonutia nō muri i te whakataunga, ā, haere ake nei.
He kōrero atu anō kei roto i ngā whakaaetanga whakataunga me ngā ture whakataunga kāore i roto i Te Haeata. Pēnei i ngā whakaaetanga a tētahi ka oti pea, ka kore rānei pea e oti i a ia. Kāore ēnei tū kōrero e puritia ana i roto i Te Haeata.
Kei Te Haeata nei kua mau ngā whakaaetanga e kitea ana i te ture whakataunga, i te whakaaetanga whakataunga, i te puka āpiti kōrero o te whakaaetanga whakataunga me te puka puretumu rawa o te whakaaetanga whakataunga.
Kua mau ngā whakaaetanga katoa o taku pokapū i raro i tōna ingoa?
He whakaaetanga anō pea kua puta i tētahi whakataunga, i tētahi kawa rānei mā tō pokapū e whakatutuki, kāore pea ērā i Te Haeata e mau ana. Kua mau i konei ko ngā kupu o te whakaaetanga whakataunga e tohu mai ana ka whakatūria tētahi kawa, engari ko ngā kupu ake o taua kawa.
Mēnā i whakahoungia tō pokapū i ngā tau tata nei, tēnā pea ka mau ngā kōrero i raro i tōna ingoa o mua.
Pēnei anō i te kōrero o raro nei, tērā he wā kāore e mārama rawa ana ko wai te hinonga māna tētahi whakaaetanga e whakatutuki. I tua atu i te rapu i te ingoa o tō rōpū, ka taea hoki te rapu i te tūmomo whakaaetanga, i tētahi kupu matua rānei e tāhūhū ai tō kimi kōrero mō tō pokapū.
Ka taea tētahi whenua te rapu i roto i a Te Haeata, kia kitea ai ngā whakaaetanga e hāngai ana ki taua whenua?
Ko te whenua anake ka kitea i konei ko ērā e āta kōrerotia ana i tētahi whakataunga (pēnei i ngā whenua kua tohua hei whenua puretumu). He wā anō kua tohua he rawa arumoni puretumu i te puka puretumu rawa o te whakaaetanga whakataunga; kāore aua tūmomo e mau ana i roto i Te Haeata.
I pēhea te whakatau mā wai e whakatutuki ngā whakaaetanga?
Kei te hinonga i whakatauria ai māna te whakaaetanga e whakatutuki, ki tā te whakaaetanga whakataunga me te ture whakataunga e mea ana. Ko ia ka whakatutuki.
He wā anō kāore e mārama rawa ana mā wai e whakatutuki (pēnei i te whakaaetanga e mea ana mā “te Karauna” e whakatutuki). Kei ēnei wā, kua tohua e mātou ko tētahi pokapū e whakapae ana mātou ko ia ka whakatutuki i taua whakaaetanga. Tērā pea ka puta anō he whakaritenga motuhake me tutuki i ētahi atu pokapū kāore i tohua i roto i Te Haeata. He wā anō kua tohua ko “te Karauna” hei tohu whānui ake māna taua whakaaetanga e whakatutuki.
Ko ētahi whakaaetanga ka tohu atu i “all persons exercising functions or powers” i raro i tētahi ture. Kei ēnei wā nei, kua mau i a mātou ko ngā hinonga matua e whakapae ana mātou ka pāngia e taua whakaaetanga, heoi, ehara i te mea kua kapohia ake e mātou te katoa.
Ka tae atu ana ki te Mana Whakahē Tuatahi (RFRs), kua mau i a mātou ko te mana me riro atu i a ia taua whenua māna e whakatutuki te whakaaetanga, kaua ko tētahi hinonga ake, ko tētahi pokapū ake rānei.
I ētahi wā, ka pā atu te whakaaetanga ki tētahi mana whakaae. Kua tohua e mātou ko te “mana whakaae” e tika ana, māna e whakatutuki.
Waihoki rā, ahakoa tā mātou tohu atu i te hinonga māna tētahi kaupapa e whakatutuki, he rōpū atu anō pea ka kuhu mai i ōna wā. Hei whakatauira ake, mēnā ka tohua mā Te Arawhiti e tuku tētahi puka whakataki mō tētahi iwi ki tētahi whare taonga, ka tohua e mātou mā Te Arawhiti tēnei kaupapa e kawe, nā te mea kei Te Arawhiti te mana tuku i taua puka, kāore i te whare taonga.
Mēnā e whakapae ana koe kua hē tā mātou tohu i te pokapū māna tētahi whakaaetanga e whakatutuki, me tono atu ki te whārangi e whakapā mai ai te tangata.
Ka whakahoungia ana he ture, ka whakahoungia anō a Te Haeata?
Ka whakahoungia ana he ture, tērā anō he wāhanga o ngā ture whakatau kerēme ka panoni (pēnei i te panoni i te takoto o ngā tekihana). Kāore ēnei whakahou e āta arohia e mātou. Kei te whakaaetanga whakataunga me te ture whakataunga ngā kōrero whai mana rawa e pā ana ki tētahi whakataunga.
Ka tōia mai ki Te Haeata ko ngā whakahou ka puta i ngā whakaaetanga whakatikatika. Mā te whakaaetanga whakatikatika ka kitea mai ko ngā kupu o tētahi whakaaetanga kua whakahoungia.
He aha te tūmomo whakaaetanga?
Kua wāwāhia e mātou tēnā whakaaetanga, tēnā whakaaetanga ki tōna “tūmomo whakaaetanga”, e māmā ai te rapu haere i ngā momo whakaaetanga huhua.
Ko ngā momo whakaaetanga ka kitea i Te Haeata e hāngai ana ki ngā momo puretumu kua puta mai i ngā whakataunga kerēme. Engari, ehara i te mea e rite ana ērā ki ngā kupu e whakamahia ana i ngā whakaaetanga whakataunga me ngā ture whakataunga. Kei te whārangi Rārangi Kupu te whakawhānui ake i ēnei kupu.
Ki te kore e puta mai ko tāu e hiahia nā mā te rapu i tētahi tūmomo whakaaetanga, tēnā me rapu mā te kupu matua.
He aha tēnei mea, te angawā?
I mau i a mātou hei āhea rawa me tutuki tētahi whakaaetanga, ki tā te whakaaetanga whakataunga, ki tā te ture whakataunga rānei e mea ana. He wā anō pea kāore e āta herea ana tētahi whakaaetanga ki tōna angawā, engari me whai whakaaro tonu ki te angawā kei wāhi kē atu e tohua ana.
Me pūmau tonu ki te whakaaetanga whakataunga me te ture whakataunga māna e whakaū hei āhea me whakatutuki tētahi whakaaetanga.
I tua atu i ngā whakaaetanga i ngā whakatau kerēme, he here atu anō i runga i taku pokapū ki tā te Tiriti o Waitangi?
Āe — he here atu anō kei runga i te Karauna me ngā karauna ā-rohe e pā ana ki te Tiriti o Waitangi, i tua atu i ngā here kei ngā whakatau kerēme e mau ana. Hei tauira, ko te Ture Whakahaere Rawa (RMA) e mea ana me whai whakaaro te tangata ki ngā mātāpono o te Tiriti o Waitangi, mēnā he kawenga āna i raro i te RMA. Ka mana tonu tēnei here, ahakoa kāore e mau ana i roto i Te Haeata.
Kāore a Te Haeata e mau ana i ngā whakaaetanga i puta i te Treaty of Waitangi (Fisheries Claims) Settlement Act 1992, i te Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004 rānei.
He whakaaetanga atu anō kei roto i Te Haeata, i tua atu i ngā whakatau kerēme?
Āe. Kua puta ētahi atu momo whakaaetanga i ngā whakatau kerēme, pēnei i ētahi whakaritenga kawana ngātahi, engari ehara i te mea i puta motuhake mai hei whakatau rawa i taua kerēme. Hei tauira, kua mau i Te Haeata ko ngā whakaaetanga e pā ana ki te Awa o Waikato, me te Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Redress Act 2014, engari ehara i te mea ko aua whakaaetanga he whakatau rawa i tētahi kerēme o mua.
Ka mau tohutō ngā kupu i roto i Te Haeata?
I tīkina atu ko te tikanga i tuhia ai i te whakaaetanga whakataunga me te ture whakataunga. Ko ētahi iwi, ko ētahi hapū i whakamahi i te tohutō, engari anō ētahi.
He aha te mahere whenua tohu pānga?
Ko te mahere whenua tohu pānga, he mahere mō te whakatau kerēme anake. E mōhio ana te Karauna arā atu anō pea ngā rōpū e whai pānga ana ki tētahi takiwā. He rerekē pea te pānga ki tēnā rōpū, ki tēnā rōpū e whai pānga ana ki taua takiwā. Ehara i te mea ko te mahere whenua tohu pānga te mana kī atu i te whai pānga o tētahi rōpū ki taua whenua.